Daily Wod- Friday 7th
5rnds of- 2 mins on/1 min off. In the 2 mins either run 200m or Row 20cals. with the remaining time, Kettle bell swings (24kg/16kg) scale...
Daily Wod- Thursday 7th
7min AMRAP (As many reps as possible) 50m Sprint 7 Squats Jumps 7 V-Sit Ups 7 Twist Sit Ups 7 Crunches (Back to the start, contune for...
Daily Wod- Wednesday 6th.
Ton up- 25mins or finish, whatever comes first. Complete 10 sit ups, and then 10 sit ups, 10 press ups, then 10 sit ups, 10 press ups, 10...
Daily Wod- Tuesday 5th
Run, Bike, Row. 30x 30sec @ 80-90% (Tough) 30sec @ 40-50% (Recovery) Keep your eyes peeled for nutritious and healthy recipes. Plenty...
Daily Wod- Monday 4th
For Time- 100 Lunges 100 press ups 100 Sit Ups 100 Squats 50 Down Ups Break down as you please. Remember you dont have to be in a gym for...
Daily Wod- Sunday 3rd
Run/Row 2k, With 5 burpees every minuet on the minuet. RAWnola Ceral- So whats in the bag that makes it so good? Cashews, walnuts,...
Daily Wod- Saturday 2nd
Swim 25-30m x 10-20 times @ 80%- Rest 45 secs between lengths (Number of lenghts depend on your level of swimming, do the max if your a...