Daily Wod- Wednesday 6th.
Ton up- 25mins or finish, whatever comes first. Complete 10 sit ups, and then 10 sit ups, 10 press ups, then 10 sit ups, 10 press ups, 10 sqauts... After each round go back to the start and add on movement until completion or you run our of time.
10- Sit Ups
10- Press Ups (Use knees on press ups if needed)
10- Squats
10- Crunches
10- Dips
10- Lunges
10- Twist Sit Ups
10- Wide Arm Press Ups
10- Brupees
10- Virtitcal Tuck Jumps
This time table is for classes only and not set in stone. Timings are subject to change before the big opening.
"Open Gym" Is just for the CrossFit Area outside of class times.
The gym facility will be open throughout the day, not just on certain times.
30min Classes will be added into the time table for classes such as Boxercise and body blast...
Opening times will be in the region of:
Week Days- 06:00-21:00
Weekends- 08:00- 15:00