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Easter holiday updated time table

CrossFit Shadow Valley will have reduced hours over the Easter Bank Holiday weekend. Also CrossFit Kids will be moving from the Saturday over the half term and will be running on a Tuesday & Thursday at 10:45. These sessions are suitable for kids from 4-10 years of age.The bank holiday

Friday, will run as an open gym from 09:00 - 14:00, so all athletes can come in and participate in the final Open work out. Following this wod we will be having a drinks and food to celebrate CSV first CrossFit Open, feel free to bring food, snacks and drinks.

The normal timetable will continue from Monday 11th April.

Aprils CrossFit induction course will now be held on Saturday the 9th April 11:00-15:00, this is a one day only course.

Sunday's yoga sessions have now been terminated.

There are no coached sessions held on a Sunday, but there is generally a good sweaty wod at 10:30 you can come and get involved in, or feel free to catch up on a wod you have missed in the week.

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