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Blog- Tuesday 6th


1. There will be a slight change in the timetable soon. More details to follow. This well not effect the CrossFit classes. Mainly involving the circuit classes, Sundays, with added extra's like Barbell and Yoga.

2. CSV In-House comp will be held on Saturday 7th November, Suitable for all members, plus it will be a awesome day with drinks to follow in a local pub for Sam's 21st Birthday!

3. More event dates are posted on the events board with the CSV Christmas social pencilled in for the 5th December. We will be going with the majority so if this date does/doesn't suit then let me know.

4. Gwent Poppy run, If you would like to take part in this great event, and have a great muddy, wet & awesome day, please could you bring in your £25 ASAP. Drinks and food to follow in a country pub.

5. October sale! There will be 10% off all T-Shirts and Hoodies for October only! Only while stocks last.

6. Please could all CSV members keep the changing rooms and toilets clean and how you would expect to find them. If you use it, clean it, if its empty, bin it...

7. All memberships are due on the 1st of every month. Direct debit is the preferred payment method, (as card payments are charge per transaction)

8. CSV offers great membership rates and FREE coffee and tea smile emoticon for all members. If you feel that you drink your body weight in tea and coffee then we certainly wouldn't turn down any contributions to allow us to keep providing this FREE service.

9.With the CSV weight loss challenge full under way, we will be holding a meeting soon (Monday 12th @ 19:30) to see how everyone is getting on. Weighing and measurements will be taken. (For CSV weight loss challenge members only) For PERSONAL nutrition/training plans and advice speak to Dan.

10. CSV offers a awesome selection and range of health supplements, bars, snacks and drinks.

11. Injured? Then come on down to CSV and have a chat with one of our experienced coaches and we will be able to help you get back on your feet with personalised training plans. Adapted to your needs/goals.

12. TRIBAL CLASH. CSV has one team entered into August 2016's Tribal Clash competition. This is a wicked comp and certainly not one to be missed, participating or supporting. The team will consist of 6 members (3 male / 3 female) The price will be £110 per person. If you have seen this comp you will know that is certainly worth the money for the weekend, experience and the awesome time you will encounter. Any one interested get in touch with Dan ASAP. CSV will hold a in-house comp 3 month prior to pick the best team for the job, but... in the meantime the event still needs to be paid for, so anyone interested and thinks they have a good chance of making the team, would be required to pay the £110. Obviously you will get it back if you don't make it or your plans change in the mean time.

13. CSV Zombie WOD will now be held on Friday 30th October! @ 17:00 - 20:00 (15 min between waves, first wave leaving @17:00. Fancy dress will be welcome!

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