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Weight loss plan FAQ’s


Weight loss plan FAQ’s

📝 When will it start?

Monday 4th June for 8 weeks

📝 What if I’m on holiday?

You can still do the plan but you will just have to try and be good over your holiday so you get maximum benefit of the plan, or you can start the plan at a slightly later time 18th latest.

📝 What if there is foods I don’t like!

The plan will be tailored to your likes/dislikes, so if you don’t like something ( and it’s a good reason why) then it won’t be added to your food plan.

📝 I am a vegetarian.

No problem we will tailor the plan to you.

📝 I am a vegan!

Get a life you peace loving hippy!

📝 Will I lose weight?

Yes! But only If you stick to the plan provided you will lose body fat, gain muscle and look awesome!

📝 How much training will I need to do?

You will do your normal weekly training, but there will be the added training plan of 4-5 x 20 min sessions a week, this will consist of cardio, abs, and resistance training, some of these will be able to do at home.

📝 Do I have to train on set days?

No, only train the days you can.

📝 Can I drink alcohol?

Yes in moderation! Clear spirits where possible, just know your limits. Also don’t panic if you have a sweet tooth there will be the odd cheat day to.

📝Will there be a lot of time spent in the kitchen?

Yes, but you spend time in the kitchen cooking anyway (or you should) plus we will provide you with easy, simple and effective ways to limit this time.

📝 When do I have to pay by?

£99 in full before the plan starts, this can be split into two payments if necessary, (£50 in June £49 in July. Failing to pay the 2nd payment will void your free month in August.

📝 Does the £99 include my membership?

No, you will still need to pay your regular memberships in June/July, August membership will be free, for anyone who takes part in the plan.

📝 Is there any hidden charges?

No! CSV is alway clear and as it says on the tin, we won’t ask you for most than the price stated.

📝 I’ve only recently joined CSV, can I still do it?

Yes, whether you have been at CSV 2 years, 2 days or not at all, you can do the plan. There is limited spaces available for the plan, CSV active members will be priority.

📝 What will the weekly shopping cost?

This is hard to say, as it depends on where you shop, whether your good at getting deals, buying in bulk, what you already have in..... but I will limit the shops to what you need with a weekly shopping list attatched, after the first week where you may need to speand a little more on nuts, seeds, oils, seasonings, supplements...... you will only need to top up on the fresh stuff each week.

If you are interested please get in touch via FB, messaged, or email

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